Home and office networking and low voltage needs can range from a simple cable run to more complex computer networks. We provide various services, including phone lines, multi-line phone and intercom systems, data lines and wiring for computer network systems, and cable runs for televisions and audio-visual systems. We provide residential, office, and commercial installation services for new builds, renovations, and retrofits.
Our professional, trained electricians have the knowledge and expertise to install the telephone/communication wiring in your home or business.
Phone: (248) 449-4200 | Fax: (248) 449-4202
Email: info@michiganqualityelectric.com
Headquarters / Commerce Office: 4104 Pioneer Dr. Commerce Township, Michigan 48390
Macomb Office: 51410 Milano Drive, Suite 100, Macomb Township, Michigan 48042
Master license # 6210388 | Contractor license # 6109974 | D-U-N-S number: 962378993
Business Hours:
24 Hour Emergency Service Available